A collection of my various thoughts and opinions that I have decided everyone cares about.
Published on September 10, 2007 By Warnstaff In Sins Modding
WWW Link

Hi everyone. I just put this mod together and wanted to share it. Heres the readme:

***README file***
Speed Up mod

-Extract into 'Sins of a Solar Empire\GameInfo' directory, overwriting files as needed.
-Backups for these files are included in a seperate zip file that will apear in the GameInfo directory, so don't worry, but it's sitll a good idea to back up the files

This mod is designed to speed up the game. I was never happy with the precieveably slow rate to get more ships and the battales being slow paced. I decided to go back to an
old motto: If you don't like something, change it. So now, the ship combat is much faster, getting more ships is easier, and at the rate you will lose ships with the new
firing rates, and the desire for fortress worlds, your economy will become tight if you play well.

I will update this mod as the beta and (when released) retail updates using the new/updated files in those.


-All weapon fire rates doubled (does not include anti-fighters and fighter (fighters, not bombers) weapons).
-Metal and Crystal extraction rates increased to 3.000000. Base tax per popululation now .40 (meaning more income).

I'm aware of grammar errors in that. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys. Oh, and in the fairly late game (when 3-5 cap ships per faction are running around), I find the crystal resource becomes incredibly scare and expensive. I'm keeping this to keep the economy a must have.
on Sep 10, 2007
I'm impressed.

I just hope you don't have to do all this work over, come Beta3.
on Sep 10, 2007
another thing you could add to this mod is a speed increase to some of the ships. just change the acceleration related modifiers in the files.

on Sep 10, 2007

I shall give this a try!
on Sep 10, 2007
Thanks for the positive response so far

I was actually planning on redoing the mod with every update to ensure that the old data from this mod won't overwrite any updated data. I might change my mind on that if the amount of ships increases dramatically, though if anyone does follow my work with the CoH AI mod, you'll see that I'm likely to keep my current update 'policy'.

I actually considered tinkering with the speed increases, but I haven't thought of an appropriate speed increase that would still keep the SOASE feel. If you have any suggestion, I'll gladly listen
on Sep 10, 2007
I feel small ships should be a bit faster... Tinker away my good sir...
on Sep 10, 2007
WWW Link

Alright try that one. It's made to overwrite the current mod release, so just follow the instructions in the already posted readme.

-Perchirien Light Carrier speed 600
-Kodiak Cruiser spped 700 -Turn speed 5
-Colbolt Frigate speed 950 -Turn speed 10
-Javelin Frigate speed 900
-Arcova Scout speed 1200
-Siege Frigate speed 650
-Ceilo Command Cruiser speed 600
-Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser speed 650
-Anti Fighter frigate speed 800
-Bomber speed 2200
-Fighter speed 2500
on Sep 10, 2007
I'm more from the traditional 4x strategy game side and have a hard time adjusting to ordering up large ships at a moments notice. That takes a great deal of the strategy of fleet building out of the game. However, I see others like instant gratification.

It would be helpful if the game had an option (slider or drop down) to let us adjust build time (and even research) so we wouldn't have to mess with data files.

Is there a place to formally ask if that is a possibility?


on Sep 10, 2007
I think you want the Gameplay Feedback topic WWW Link
on Sep 10, 2007
Thank you...
on Sep 10, 2007
Yea, finally a mod worth getting (the ship speed one, i mean). Though the money one would leave room for experimentation.
on Sep 10, 2007

The ship speed one includes the doubled fire rates. It's an experiment of my own.
on Sep 11, 2007
Nice mod You may know already but uniform changes to the economy and other (I think) planet data can be made by editing the "allegiance" values in the Gameplay constants file. These are the percentage values that set the distance from homeplanet penalties.
on Sep 11, 2007
Nice one I go away for a few weeks and all this stuff pops up out of the woodwork I travel for work so im out of touch sometimes for a month at a time.

While i havn't tried the mod yet. I can see how it will be popular for those who want a quick game. I prefer the slow paced way sins is now, but that certainly dont mean others wont enjoy this mod. Its good to see a decent mod community build up for sins. Ill give this mod a try later on, and see how it works.

I think in the final release there will be a "mod" folder (dev's can you confirm this?). So you wont have to worry about overwriting any Sins files.